What Mufti Muhammad Ilyas of Jamaat Ulama-e-Hind said is as true as sun and moons existence. Shiva was indeed their prophet before the arrival of Muhammad.
We all know Islam is just around 1400 years old. Muhammad started preaching Islam in 7th century. If so, what were Muslims before the advent of Islam? What religion they were following? I have tried to put up few points reading PN Oak's researches.
1. No one can deny the fact that Pre-Islamic Arabia was an extremely rich and glorious center of Vedic civilization.
2. The names of the holiest of Muslim cities Mecca and Medina came from the Sanskrit words Makha-Medini which means THE LAND OF FIRE WORSHIP. Even the most ancient names of these two cities were Mahcorava which came from MAHADEVA and YATHRABN which means YATHRASTHAN.
3. More than that, The Encyclopedia Islamia also says this -
"Muhammad's grandfathers and uncles were hereditary priests of the Kaba Temple which housed 360 idols".
"Muhammad's grandfathers and uncles were hereditary priests of the Kaba Temple which housed 360 idols".
4. Since the name Muhammad was a corrupted form of MAHADEV even now Muslims are usings Muhammad as their first name.
5. To make my point even stronger, Arabs still have a sect called 'MAHADEVI' and moreover the title MEHDI of a Muslim Chief is also a malpronounciation of the term MAHADEV.
6. It is known to the outerworld that the center object of worship which survives at the Kaba today is a SHIVALING. And I bet all the 350 idols I mentioned above could be found buried in the precints or trampled underfoot in labyrinthine subterranean corridors if Archaelogical excavations are undertaken,
7. Muhammed tampered the Shivlinga badly and it has been mutilated into many pieces. And the term KABA itself is a corruption of the world Gabha (Garbha+Graha) which means SANCTRUM.
8. In the inscriptions from Hajja and its neighborhood was found a votive vessel dedicated by members of two tribes called Rama and Somia. Rama and Soma are Vedic deities, Rama is of the Solar dynasty and Soma is of the Lunar dynasty. The moon god was called by various names in Pre-Islamic times, one of them was Allah, Allha had 3 children Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat. Al-Lat and Al-Uzza were both feminine deities. Alla is another name for the Hindu goddess Durga. Is is obvious that Goddess Al-Lat was Alla (Durga) and Al-Uzza was oorja(Shakti). Manat was none other than Somantha which is another name of Lord Shiva. One significant point to note that Soma in Sanskrit means that and Nath means Lord. Thus the Kaba itself was dedicated to the Moon God Somanath alias Shiva and later Muhammed's arrvial the word Somanath was corrupted to Manat.
9. The famous Black Stone we see during the times of Hajj yatra is none other than the ShivaLing of Makkeshwar alias Mecca, Lord Shiva is always shown with a crescent moon on his head and every Shiva temple is supposed to have a sacred water spring representing the Ganges. The crescent moon pinnacle of the Kaba and the Zamzaam spring are irrefutable testaments to the Vedic Origins of Kaba.
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